This left me thinking, What on earth could my mother possibly have ordered for me that I'd have to pick up at Gladrags?
Michael, Euan, and I hit up Zonko's, and I managed to restrain myself quite admirably/to live vicariously through Michael and Euan (saving my pennies for the swap - and is it just me or are all the owls S-L-O-W right now?). Michael bought some Whizzing Worms and Hiccoughing Sweets, and Euan found some special wizarding photograph film that allows you to choose a different background for your pictures. He took one of me and Michael in front of the Hog's Head, but the photograph shows us in front of a pyramid down in Egypt. I'll have to see if he'll let me scan it in to show you. In the photograph, I am punching Michael on the arm.
Scrivenshaft's was fun to go to; I like looking at all the different parchments they have there. They've also got seals, which I think are tremendously interesting (mostly because you get to use fire to melt the wax before you stamp with the seal). Some of the spells you can work into the wax are pretty amazing--one will transform the letter into a letter to your Great-Aunt Ethel if anyone but the recipient breaks the seal.
When we finally made it to Gladrags, I went in and gave the saleswitch my name. "Stuart Cauldwell?" she said. "Oh yes, we just got your package in. You'll needing to try it on to ensure the fit." She went back to retrieve my gift, and I told Michael and Euan that they could go on ahead and that I'd meet them at the Three Broomsticks, but of course they were more than happy to stay around while I got to try something on. In the words of Euan, "If your mum bought it for you *and* you have to try it on, it's probably something that's going to be something that makes you look stupid."
As soon as the saleswitch brought it out, though, I knew exactly what it was. As I wrote in my biography a few weeks ago, my family is pureblood, but what I didn't mention is that we're also closely connected to some Muggle families, specifically the Scottish Clan Gordon. One of the branches of the early clan showed some magical talent, and over time gradually became part of wizarding society. They never forgot their obligation to the clan, however. When my dad's mother passed away, she left some money to my parents to buy Jim and myself proper Highland regalia.
(Euan took a picture of me but it placed me in front of somewhere most unspeakable so I will not be looking to post it.)
Oh my - men in kilts!!!
Love the kilt. Looks good. ;-)
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